Erectile dysfunction

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition to receive the a man and get erections, resulting in positive sexual experience concerns. Although most people have difficulty occur an erection from time to time, the problem is not generally considered ED, if not the symptoms for at least 3 months in line.

Has to do what ED with diabetes?

According to the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) is erectile dysfunction (ED), that men who have diabetes. It is often the first symptom that men can tell and the one that leads them to the doctor in the first place. Only after they have sought medical help for ED do, they get even a diagnosis of diabetes. Fifty percent of men with diabetes will suffer 10 years of diagnosis of ED.

How create the diabetes ED?

The same elevated blood glucose levels, blood vessels and nerve damage in other parts of the body can also to complications in blood flow and nerve damage of the penis.

Heart disease and diabetes are often connected, as coronary damage a complication of diabetes, as well as is. Coronary heart disease may affect sexual function itself, but (CHD) and diabetes than men, is erectile dysfunction diabetes without adding CAD nine times as likely in men, the suffering with coronary heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is so widespread coronary heart disease and diabetes, it could be considered a risk factor for both. If a man of ED suffers, screening for CAD and diabetes should suggest his doctor.

Factors that can lead to ED:

The longer a man has diabetes, the more likely he will suffer from ED. Even if controlled blood glucose levels did well in the disease, nerve damage and blood vessels grow. Complications of accompanying heart diseases such as hypertension and high cholesterol can affect also ED. A man with diabetes, also smokes, increases his risk of developing ED.

Commonly prescribed medications and ED

Often, people with diabetes take medication to lower blood pressure. Some common prescription blood pressure medications are known to cause ED such as some diuretics and beta blockers. Certain antidepressants cause your medication Hrsg. discuss with your doctor, if ED is relevant. Sometimes different medications can be prescribed, which have a side effect ED.

Drugs, the treatment of erectile dysfunction

Prescription drugs such as viagra, cialis and levitra are treatment to the ED. All three of these medications work in the same way, by helping to increase blood flow to the penis. This helps erectile function and a man to have and maintain an erection for sexual intimacy. The drugs can last half an hour before sex and the effects of 4 to 5 hours. These drugs have some serious side effects, speak this option with your doctor and make sure that he or she white, take your entire medical history and all other drugs, you.


"Complications: diabetes and men's sexual health." Sept. 2006. Canadian Diabetes Association. May 18, 2007.

Christine Lakin, MD, Milton. "Erectile problems." Endocrinolgy Med index. April 18, 2005. The Cleveland Clinic. May 18, 2007.

Stefano Giordanetti, m.d.; Emanuela de Amici, m.d.; Gianandrea Bertone, m.d.; Colomba Falcone, m.d.; Diego Geroldi, m.d.; Pietro Fratino, m.d.; Sebastiano Solerte, m.d.; and Adriana Garzaniti, m.d., "erectile dysfunction in men diabetic can still heart disease predictions." Live and learn. June 21, 2004. American Heart Association. May 18, 2007.

"Possible side effects of medications, the lowering of blood pressure." Live and learn. American Heart Association. May 18, 2007.

"Erectile problems." National Kidney and urologic diseases information clearinghouse. Sept. 2005. National Institute of diabetes and digestive and diseases of the kidneys. May 18, 2007.

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Check your blood sugar

5 Good Reasons To Check Your Blood SugarHow: test your blood sugar Copyright 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Managing diabetes is all about balance. People with diabetes have to keep balance, food, medication and exercise blood glucose in a valid range because their bodies can no longer do it for them. Regular self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) gives you a handle on, where their blood sugar right at the moment are that they are testing. Some food and activities can affect blood sugar, and it's good to know which situations put blood sugar outside the acceptable range.

Good control keeps complications Bay:

Consistently high blood sugar leads to complications of the eyes, kidneys and the extremities such as hands and feet. Areas of the body, they have very small blood vessels and nerves, damaged by the excess sugar, which circulates in the blood. The longer the blood sugar is high, the serious damage. This damage is called neuropathy. Tight control of blood glucose, with SMBG will prevent, delay or reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

To assess the effectiveness of drugs:

Keeping tabs on your blood sugar also helps you to see how effective is your medication or insulin to control your blood sugar levels. If your medication to keep your blood sugar in the right pane is not, it needs to be adjusted. You and your doctor can frequent tests the right decisions for cans and drugs.

Prevent Glycemic life-threatening emergencies:

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) may occur with stress or other medications, the blood sugar. Testing can better guard on blood sugar to keep, so that you can take the appropriate measures before it is too high. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) occurs when your blood sugar dip to low levels. Test before, during or after your workout to a dangerous drop in blood sugar to avoid. If you drink alcohol, you should test often, because alcohol can lower blood sugar levels.

There is an increased risk of heart disease for people with diabetes diagnosed. Inflammation, just like the inflammation, the blood vessels of the eyes, kidneys and feet attacks attacks also the blood vessels of the heart. It comes slowly in the course of the time when the blood sugar is consistently high. To save your heart, you keep your blood sugar in the control to the best of your ability. Frequent SMBG is the best tool for the job.

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Nutrition and diabetes

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, everything you eat is important. If you have type 1 diabetes, means good control balance, what you eat, the right amount of insulin to help with, to use the glucose in the blood. A dietitian or certified diabetes educator (CDE) can help you find out how much insulin you need.

If you have type 2 diabetes, oral medications help, that you use the insulin they produce already more effective levels, to keep blood glucose in a normal range,. Both types of diabetes need a plan of food, exercise, weight control and medication.

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. Here are some basics that can help you on your way.

Try to maintain a normal body weight. Many doctors use the body mass index (BMI) as a guide for your ideal weight. Your BMI is calculated from your weight and height and puts more focus on body fat instead of just weight. The formula for those who like mathematics, is "Body mass index (= mass, in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared". For those of us prefer without math life would, many free BMI calculator are available online. One has the national heart lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), is easy to use.

A BMI of 20-25 is considered normal. 26-29.9 is overweight, 30-39, 9 obese and 40 or more, morbidly obese.

American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends, keep your carbohydrates to 55% to 65% of your daily intake. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) provides advice between 55% up to 60%. Both organizations confirm that although carbohydrates directly blood glucose arise, not the enemy. They contain many nutrients your body needs. Carbohydrates are your body consumed by the reduction in glucose.

In diabetes, the body can use glucose for energy as it produces takes insulin to move glucose into the cells. Type 1 diabetes, no insulin is produced from the body. That's why people with diabetes need insulin. If they could type 2, someone produce their own insulin, but it is not effective enough to move glucose from the blood into the cells. Oral medications help their insulin, which work better.

According to the ADA fat should make 25% to 30% of your diet and protein intake should be about 11% to 18%. Less emphasis on fatty animal protein, and more on lean protein such as protein levels white meat chicken, Turkey and soy help keep cholesterol down.

Fiber is an important part of the food for diabetes. Even if fiber is a carbohydrate it not blood sugar levels increase, and increased fiber intake has been shown to actually reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

The recommended amount of fiber varies, but all sources agree that 25 grams of the minimal grams of fiber per day. A comprehensive analysis of medical research, the American College of nutrition published in the journal recommends a range of 25 to 50 grams per day.

Many people eat enough fiber. Increase your consumption of high-fiber foods like whole wheat bread, cereals and pasta, oats and other whole grains, brown rice, lentils and beans, fruit, vegetables and nuts attain your goal you. If you increase your fiber intake are, keep in mind, at least 8 glasses of water during the day, drink to keep things moving.

The Glycemic Index rates carbohydrates of how much to increase blood glucose. Carbohydrates such as sweets, sugar, cakes and cookies a high glycemic index, whole grains have a lower glycemic index.

The glycemic index can help when you try to figure out what carbohydrates are the best for you. Since all carbohydrates do not affect blood sugar levels help to more effectively plan your meals you the same way, to know, what carbohydrates have a lower glycemic index.

You can of your nutritionist, from books, or free from online sources such as the University of Sydney, Glycemic Index charts Web page, "Home of the Glycemic Index" sponsored Australia. This site has a database, which shows the glycemic index for many food and provides information about using the glycemic index for the assessment of your carbohydrates.


"NEJM study shows the fiber great benefits in type 2 diabetes." Joslin Diabetes Center. May of 2000. Joslin Diabetes Center. January 7, 2007.

"Carbohydrates and fiber recommendations for people with diabetes." American Diabetes Association (ADA). January 7, 2007.

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The best diabetes diet

The best diet for you is the one that you can follow for the rest of your life. Most diets you can get to your destination, if you do what they say, but if the weight is lost, and you start that, can the weight way to eat again on with facilities speed.

The best diet may not diet, but rather a lifestyle to change. If you can positive changes that you make with life, the weight will come and stay.

The first thing to do is to check what you do now. If it is easier for you to see where you're going wrong by writing what you eat for the next week, then do. Write down everything, even the little nibbles and taste, which is hardly a dot on the radar. See everything on paper can be very enlightening.

If you are familiar with the foods that you want to eat every day, is easy to start it, replace healthier alternatives and better decisions to make. Take a look at some common lifestyle choices that could use an overhaul.

Do you have a soda habit?

Drink much soda or high fructose fruit juices? Replace instead of water and herbal teas. Studies show that you can just this substitution drop 20 pounds in a year.

Eat a lot of snacks, which come in cellophane bags?

Replace fruit and vegetables for your snacks. Do you need a crunch? Make popcorn *, but keep the butter.

You spend much time with talks in clown heads on the drive-thru-fast-food joint?

Avoid anything that can pass through a window. Bring your lunch place. Home cooking almost automatically guaranteed a meal that could through a window in fat and calories as slightly lower, is get.

Never end a meal without fat on the hands?

Fried foods are loaded with calories and fat. Sauté, roast, grill, or instead in a little olive oil, pan fry.

Always load sauces?

Hold the Mayo and everything else that is creamy. If you order sandwiches are sauce, mayonnaise, or anything else that gloppy and drip with special, then you eat more calories and fat grams than you think, you are. Some sauces to add lunch more than 20 grams of fat, and hundreds of calories. (This sounds not suddenly so healthy grilled chicken sandwich it?) Mustard is a good alternative. It is aromatic and has virtually no calories and fat.

The best diet for 2009 is that you use for the rest of your life with stick. Look at what you do, and you, provide you with life can change.

* Note carbohydrates such as popcorn to see them your blood sugar. To see what your blood sugar testing 1-2 hours after a high-carb snack. If it is high, then look for snack alternatives that your blood sugar levels spike not.

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Good CARB choices

If you try that works well with diabetes food, carbohydrates are important. Empty carbs with little or even no fiber may affect your blood sugar will rise. Overview of the carbohydrates that you eat is important for the balance of your blood sugar. Fruit is a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. But the natural sugars in the fruit makes it to a carbohydrate.

The "big guns" of a healthy diet are lean protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Calories and fat also play a role grams in food choices, if you try to eat healthier. If you have diabetes, you are probably also observe your carbohydrate intake, as well as.

So what is fruit? How does the fruit in a healthy diet? Although fruit contains carbohydrates, almost all fruits with vitamins and antioxidants are filled. They are low in calories and virtually fat free. Fruit has low blood sugar levels, as well as the general health help also fiber, which has been shown contribute.

If you are tracking your carbohydrates, it is good to know that some carbohydrates lower than others, while still a great diet of fruit punch packing.

What are the healthiest choice? With an online diet site, how about the .com calorie count, can simple make things. I researched a variety of fruit and the calories and carbohydrates for each on calorie count found. Use calorie count to check, the CARB count on your favorite fruit, or practical in the following table can good fruit choices in your daily meal plans.


Nutrition information from, an online diet tool of health.

(Jan, 2008). Nutrition recommendations and interventions for diabetes. Diabetes care, retrieved November 9, 2008, from

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Understanding Diabetes

 What Is Diabetes?The pancreas is located behind the liver and StomachThe balance of glucose and insulin:

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way, that food your body uses for energy. Usually is the sugar, take in digested and broken down according to a simple sugar called glucose. The glucose then circulates in your blood, where it waits, give the cells are used as fuel. Insulin, a hormone that helps move glucose into the cells of the pancreas. The amount of insulin, fits a healthy pancreas based on the level of glucose. But, if you have diabetes, this process collapses, and blood sugar levels are too high.

There are two types of diabetes blown. People with type 1 diabetes are totally unable to produce insulin. People with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but their cells do not respond. In both cases not the glucose into the cells move and blood glucose levels can be high. In the course of time, these high blood sugar can cause serious complications.

Pre-diabetes means that the cells in your body against insulin are resistant or your pancreas produces as much insulin as required. Their blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to diabetes will be called. This is also known as "impaired fasting glucose" or "Impaired glucose tolerance". A diagnosis of pre-diabetes is a warning signal, which will later develop diabetes. The good news: You can to the development of type 2 diabetes lose weight, to prevent the changes in diet and exercise.

A person with diabetes type 1 do not insulin. Type 1 is most often occurs 30 years ago, but can strike at any age. Type 1 may be caused by a genetic disorder. The origins of type 1 are not fully understood, and there are several theories. But all the possible causes is the same result: the pancreas produces very little or no insulin. Type 1 requires frequent insulin injections.

A person with type 2 diabetes has become sufficient insulin, but the cells against it. Type 2 usually occurs in adults over 35 years old, but can affect anyone, including children. The national institutes of health status, that 95 percent of all cases of diabetes are type 2. Why? It is a lifestyle disease caused by obesity, lack of exercise, increased age and to a certain extent, genetic susceptibility.

Gestational diabetes (GD) about 4 percent of the concerns all pregnant women. It usually during the second trimester appears and disappears after the birth of the baby.

Such as type 1 and type 2 glucose, your body can effectively and blood glucose levels get too high. If GD is not controlled, complications can affect you and your baby. Your doctor will you develop a diet and exercise plan, and may be drugs. DG increases the risk for the development of it again in future pregnancies and also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes later in life.

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Treatments for diabetes

A diagnosis of diabetes can lead to many new challenges. Depending on what type of diabetes you have you need medication or insulin. You need to make perhaps diet and other changes in the way of life.

There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 and type 2 can move not glucose from blood into the cells where it has to go. Glucose levels in the blood can be too high. In people without diabetes, the pancreas to help insulin into the blood, which take off glucose are.

People with type 1 diabetes are unable to produce insulin. 1 Requires daily insulin injections. People with type 2 can produce more insulin diabetes, but their cells not as good as they should respond to it.

Diabetes is referred to by many pages. There are different types of insulin and insulin delivery for type 1. Sometimes require type 2 diabetic insulin supplies inadequate control of blood glucose oral medications. Several classifications of medicines are for type 2.

Treatments for type 1 diabetes

Treatments for type 2 diabetes

Equipment for diabetes management

Nutrition and diabetes

Diabetes is one of the few diseases where is food monitoring one of the treatments. Blood glucose levels determine the carbohydrate, fat, and content of the daily meals. It is important to keep them in balance.

Treatments for complications of diabetes

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Eat healthy with diabetes

Diabetes is one of the single diseases where your food plays a role in the treatment. Eating too much can overweight, solves the insulin resistance. The types of food you eat can affect your blood glucose levels. Means good for you learn how to eat and to manage meals.

Good nutrition for diabetes can be addressed on three levels.

1. Eat what foods should I?

2. When should I eat?

(3) View should I my portion sizes?

But that's not all. Chances are, to have to go, how you eat, are to make changes.

Although completely off limits, it is important as many sweet foods is not to sweets limited, eat.Eat smaller meals more frequently during the day can keep your blood sugar.Carbohydrates are one of the big players in diabetes management. Whole grain foods instead of processed to eat sugar-laden foods.Increase the intake of fruit and vegetables. Try for 5 to 7 servings per Tag.Begrenzen of fatty foods you eat.Limit alcohol consumption. If you drink, you keep it to 1 to 2 per day. Opt for heart-healthy red wine. The antioxidants in wine have an advantage.

Food is important, how well your blood glucose levels are managed. If you other cornerstone to combine with this diabetes, exercise and medication, can you on your way to feeling better and living well. Remember that you your blood glucose levels on target of can keep:

1. Decisions smart food. Calorie count is on's online diet site can you customize a diet plan and to meet others with like minded goals.

2. Jerk on the daily practice

3. Medication your prescribed

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Watch high blood sugar

Have you ever high morning blood glucose levels? Occasionally you can wake up in the morning and check your blood sugar before breakfast, and your Blutzucker values are high. Higher than usual. What is going on? It could be several causes.

Firstly, it is important to know that the most likely cause of high morning glucose insufficient nighttime insulin doses. In particular, can counter regulatory hormones in the early hours of morning Glucoses strengthened more difficult to handle and require higher nightly doses or doses that are closer to bedtime taken.

The problem may be less frequently due to the so-called lies the Somogyi effect, Hyperglycemia caused by relaxation after an episode of hypoglycemia, while you sleep. This can happen to people who take long-acting insulins, and it can also happen if you not snack before bed eating. The blood sugar drops and your body releases hormones, counteract the drop. The result? Waking up with a higher blood sugar level than you want to see.

Or it could be from the "Dawn phenomenon", which happens to put in the night, published as hormones and the liver, raise glucose. If there is not enough insulin in the body combat, rise then blood glucose levels, during the night, what a high reading in the morning.

The only way to know exactly? Wake up at some point between 2 and 03 for more nights in a row, and check your blood sugar. If you are low at this time, it could be the Somogyi effect. If you're normal or high, may the dawn phenomenon of the Schuldige.Stellen you sure a snack before bed to have composed more protein than carbohydrates.Let your doctor know what is happening. He or she can change your medication or insulin doses, or the time, when you should receive insulin.In the evening, exercise can help keep blood sugar in a better choice tomorrow.Breakfast, even if your blood sugar is high. Some eat the dawn phenomenon process will actually shut down and leave your blood sugar to normal.


"The dawn effect." DOC news. July 1, 2006 volume 3 number 7 p. 5 American Diabetes Association. November 24, 2007.

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Risk factors

There are many risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Some of them come from our family history and genetics and so are always with us, but some can be reversed, help reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes. What are they and what can we do to reduce the risk?

The most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes is obesity. The National Center for health statistics indicating that 30% of adults obese. That's 60 million people. Greater weight means a higher risk of insulin resistance, because fat impairs the body's ability to use insulin. According to the same study, the number of overweight children has tripled since 1980. The number of children with type 2 diabetes diagnosed has also increased.


The Surgeon General report on physical activity and health (United States, 1996) States that: "a sedentary way of life for health is harmful and is responsible for the increasing obesity problems." Inactivity and obesity go hand in hand to a type 2. muscle cells have more insulin receptors as fat cells, so that a person can reduce insulin resistance by exercising. More active lowers blood sugar levels of insulin to help more effectively. It is a win-win situation.

90% Of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Unhealthy diet largely contributes to obesity. Too much fat, not enough fiber and too many simple carbohydrates contribute to a diagnosis of diabetes. Proper nutrition is the diagnosis of turn around and reverse or prevent that type 2.

It seems that people, members of the family have diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are at higher risk for developing itself. African Americans, Hispanic Americans and native Americans all have a higher-than the normal rate of type 2 diabetes. 2 Have a genetic disposition to type is however no guarantee for a diagnosis. Who diabetes plays an important role in establishing, lifestyle.

It is sad, but true. The older we are, the greater our risk of type 2 diabetes. Even if an elderly person is thin, can still inclined to get diabetes. Scientists suspect that the pancreas right next to us ages, and not insulin as efficiently as it did, were younger than we pump. As our cells age, they are more resistant to insulin.

These two bad guys are the trademark risk factors for many diseases and conditions, including type 2 diabetes. They not only cause your heart vessels damage, but they are two main components in metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms such as obesity, high-fat diet, and lack of exercise. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women. It begins when the hormones the placenta insulin make resistant mother. Many women, the gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes years later. Their children are also some risk of developing diabetes later in life.

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Type 1 diabetes

 Type 1 DiabetesIn response to high glucose in the blood, the cells in the pancreas produce insulin but the hormone insulin. Type I diabetes occurs when these cells are destroyed by the body's immune system.

Type 1 diabetes is a completely different disease of type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is an autoimmune disorder of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Scientists believe that it may be the immune system attack a virus, which causes the cells to destroy permanently. The pancreas can make to transport not more sugar from the blood into the other cells of the body for energy need insulin. Building sugar in the blood and in the course of time can damage internal organs and blood vessels.

What this means for the person who is diagnosed? Who diabetes type 1 insulin meets every day to survive. It is a delicate balance to find the blood glucose level as normal as possible to keep the right amount of insulin necessary. The person with diabetes has, check their blood sugar levels frequently and then even with the right amount of insulin to counteract the amount of sugar. This mimics the effect of the pancreas.

This can an overwhelming process for the new be diagnosed person, especially type 1 diabetes usually children and young adults, strikes adults although preserved from the age of 40, type 1. The onset of the disease happens quickly. How the insulin is not produced, and the blood sugar rises, be this the hyperglycemia. Several warning signs are displayed. Increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue, weight loss and blurred see, are some of the clearest signs of diabetes type 1.

Often, blood sugar test helps level, so that you know how much insulin must your levels as close as possible to normal as possible to keep. Are the usual times to test: before meals, before going to sleep and maybe one or two hours after meals or a large snack. Test before you exercise because exercise is also lower blood sugar, and you do not want to drop your blood sugar too low either. This is called hypoglycemia.

For diabetes, if you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eat regular meals, which is about the same size and combination of carbohydrates and fats time every day helps blood sugar and predictably to keep. The best diet is low fat, low salt and low sugar added. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables are preferable over simple carbohydrates such as sugary drinks and and sweets.

Up to the 1920s, as the insulin was first discovered, the people died on type 1 diabetes. Today with all the progress of medicine, which are available, a person who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a very normal, long life. There are many adaptations are made and skills that must be learned, but can this integrated into a daily routine and can only automatic like brushing your teeth. Working with your doctor and a nutritionist gives you the tools you need.

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